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Founder and Creative Director Yehudah Katz
Founder and Creative Director Yehudah Katz
Yehudah is the founder and leader of the popular Israeli Jewish rock and soul band, Reva L’Sheva (www.revalsheva.com). In hundreds of worldwide concerts over the past nine years, the band has been painting a picture of joy, optimism and unity. Beyond his soulful musicianship, Katz brings to his Jewish educational projects his Yeshiva University education,…
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Director Yishai Ashkenazi
Director Yishai Ashkenazi
Yishai Ashkenazi is the Director of AMI Neshima, Yishai held various senior positions including a position at the JDC working with some of JDC’s major partnerships .Yishai and his family have recently moved back to Jerusalem, his hometown, after several years living in the US, where he studied at Brandeis for the joint MA/MBA program…
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Programs & Operations Coordinator Yochi Rappeport
Programs & Operations Coordinator Yochi Rappeport
A former commander in the IDF. Yochi has joined Neshima prier her BA of Education from Bar Ilan University. Yochi's day to day work involves coordinating 30+ artists in over 40 schools around Israel.   Email: [email protected] Phone: 02-587-6767
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