Founded by Artists and Musicians for Israel, AMI-Neshima uses musical and artistic educational workshops to explore and strengthen Jewish identity among youth.


Unique in its ability to reach all sectors of society, AMI-Neshima offers student workshops, as well as teacher training, staffed by popular Israeli musicians to engage with the audience.


Music has always played an important part in Jewish history. Sources record that Jewish tradition believes that music is a tool for touching souls and, indeed, it is more than just an invaluable part of our heritage, but serves as an essential tool in reaching the depths of our souls, exploring our identity, and bringing us together as one people.

"The event was excellent and even more interesting than we anticipated. The two leading artists Golan and Ziv were great !! We are so happy to cooperate with Neshima. The whole issue of Judaism was very much lacking at our school and I am pleased that this year we have shifted the focus. Thank you! "
Michal Hadad
Kedma School Principel