

Donation Options

Help build a healthier and more sustainable community.

All donations are tax deductible.

General Donations

Make a general donation to AMI

The word Neshima means “breathing”. All of our programs—Neshima—express new breathing in the Jewish world in profound ways. We’re using powerful and under-utilized portals to Jewish life to do that—music and art education, spiritual exploration. All of our programs are open to youth of any Jewish background—or none. We care about people as individuals—and their own personal journeys—and how together we build stronger communities and institutions.

Your donation will be processed on a secure site hosted by our software partner Israel Toremet.

Sustaining Donations

Make a monthly recurring donation today

As AMI Neshima becomes more effective, we look forward to having an even wider range of programs to offer, many more resources, and a greater ability to tailor them to develop long-term strategies to renew key parts of the Jewish community.

A monthly donation to the newly merged organization will help us to bring our VISION, to life.

Why become a sustainer?

Because it’s easy! We’ll charge your credit card or deduct your donation from your account each month — so you can set it and forget it.
Because even modest monthly pledges can make major collective impact.
Because monthly pledges mean predictable income to our organization that can plan around — which means we can use it more efficiently — which, in turn, means it has a greater impact on the Jewish community.
Because your ongoing support enables us to do something powerful: create a stronger and a more engaged Jewish community, and a healthier and a more sustainable world for everybody. Become a sustainer today.
Make a Tribute Gift

Make a donation in honor of an individual or event, or in memory of a loved one.

To make a tax deductible gift of stock, please contact our CEO Yishai Ashekanazi at (972) 544-537684 or at [email protected]

To send in a check, please mail it to:
AMI Neshima

PO Box 8067

Jerusalem 91080

Thank you!